


So when you want to send completion events for your observable chain in order to signal the consumers or observers that its time to wrap up.

But side note I have also observed that sometimes listening to onComplete events on .subscribe{} & .bind(to:) has sometimes disposed the event early and which leads to getting an .completed event from the RxObservable chain.


public class Custom { } // Model

public protocol CustomViewModelProtocol {
    var input: CustomViewModel.Input { get }
    var output: CustomViewModel.Output { get }



Defining its appropriate initial states and sending observable event with specific type .Completion which would signal the observers / consumers of this ViewModel to do something after they receive specific event type.

public class CustomViewModel: ViewModellable {

	public typealias ViewStateType = ViewState<CustomState, DisplayableError, LoadingState, CustomStateEmptyState>
	let initialState = CustomState(param1: Type)
	let initialViewState = ViewStateType.fulfilled(initialState)
	let viewStateSubject = BehaviorSubject<ViewStateType>(value: initialViewState)
	let customContext = BehaviorSubject<Custom>(value: Custom())
		.subscribe(onNext: viewStateSubject.onCompleted)
		.disposed(by: disposeBag)


class CustomViewController: UIViewController, ViewStateBridger {

	private let viewModel: CustomViewModelProtocol
	var viewState: Driver<CustomViewModel.ViewStateType> { viewModel.output.viewState }

		.debug("Completed viewState")
		.subscribe(onCompleted: { [weak self] in
			self?.dismiss(animated: true)
		.disposed(by: disposeBag)

Listening to the ViewModel while adhering to the ViewState architecture and having Input & Output as structs for easy I/O from Model = = ViewModel = = ViewController