Command Line
Default documentation
xcode-build -help
man xcode-build
Cleaning the project.
xcodebuild clean
Listing all schemes
xcodebuild -list
To run all tests
swift test
To run specific tests
swift test --filter testTargetName
swift test --filter product_nameNetworkUnitTests
swift test --filter product_nameNetworkUnitTests -sdk /Applications/ -target arm64-apple-ios15.2
swift test --filter product_nameNetworkUnitTests -target arm64-apple-ios15.2
Running this command for tests.
xcodebuild -scheme product_nameNetworkTestKit test -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 13'
Running specific package tests
xcodebuild test -scheme product_nameNetwork-Package -sdk iphonesimulator15.2 -destination "OS=15.2,name=iPhone 13" -only-testing:"product_nameNetworkIntegrationTests"
Running specific class unit tests
xcodebuild test -scheme product_name-Package -sdk iphonesimulator15.4 -destination "OS=15.4,name=iPhone 13" -only-testing:"product_nameNetworkIntegrationTests/AuthenticationServiceIntegrationTests/testLogin" -quiet
Embedded into SPM project dependencies in .xcworkspace
. Spent around 45 mins + just to figure out why it was erroring out and I think so I had 10+ different variants of Xcode Build Test CLI commands before landing what I was doing wrong.
I missed providing -workspace
argument, xcode couldn't decipher directly based off the -scheme
since the project I work on is a poly repo - which has cyclical dependency of 8 layers including the main - iOS lifecycle layer. So it was necessary to provide more context to the Xcode - cli.
xcodebuild test -workspace product_name-iOS.xcworkspace -scheme product_scheme -sdk iphonesimulator16.2 -destination "OS=16.2,name=iPhone 14" -only-testing:"product_nameViewModelTests/EnvironmentListViewModelTests/test_environmentVariableDefinedToSkipFlakyTests"
No verbose option with xcode build command
xcodebuild -quiet
Or use pipeline with external tool called xcpretty
| xcpretty
building on mac OS version.
error: the library 'product_nameCore' requires macos 10.10, but depends on the product 'CryptoSwift' which requires macos 10.12; consider changing the library 'product_nameCore' to require macos 10.12 or later, or the product 'CryptoSwift' to require macos 10.10 or earlier.
error: the library 'product_nameNetwork' requires macos 10.10, but depends on the product 'Moya' which requires macos 10.12; consider changing the library 'product_nameNetwork' to require macos 10.12 or later, or the product 'Moya' to require macos 10.10 or earlier.
error: the library 'product_nameNetwork' requires macos 10.10, but depends on the product 'Alamofire' which requires macos 10.12; consider changing the library 'product_nameNetwork' to require macos 10.12 or later, or the product 'Alamofire' to require macos 10.10 or earlier.
error: fatalError
-sdk /Applications/ -target arm64-apple-ios15.2
Schemes available for running
Information about workspace "product_name-iOS-Network":
xcodebuild: error: Scheme product_nameNetworkTestKit is not currently configured for the test action.
xcrun: error: unable to find utility "xctest", not a developer tool or in PATH
Making sure we set our command line tools appropriately in Xcode when running from Terminal or having two different Xcode.