Best Coding Practices
This is still a document maintained for my personal usage, I’m not advocating anyone that, below mentioned approach or design pattern is the best for solving a coding problem.
It varies from language to language and different background of problems. It doesn’t hurt to learn few different ways of solving the same problem and thus evaluating the efficiency while computing the time and space complexity of a problem solution.
“Good design is half the battle” - Kautilya Save
Still linking a Wiki just for better read. Wiki Coding Practices
Safely Unwrapping
It is always good practice to check for ‘undefined’ / ‘null’ or you could optional chain the variable using ‘if let’ or ‘?’Syntax depending on your target language.
if let optional = class_Name.other_Class_ObjName?.property_Val { print("Safely unwrapped \(optional).")
else {
print("Unable to retrieve the optional.")
Guard usage for unnecessary optional syntax
More example for avoiding unnecessary ?
or ??
public override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
strID == (object as? VSS)?.strID
&& strSignal == (object as? VSS)?.strSignal
New Code
public override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
guard let vssO = object as? VSS else { return false }
return strID == vssO.strID
&& strSignal == vssO.strSignal
Swift Specific Tips
Pyramid of Doom
Avoiding pyramid of doom with if else indentation.
if else if
Clean Code