The idea behind this is to have protocols define certain variables available for any model who needs to have easier Input & Output
definition in general.
public protocol ViewModelInput {
  associatedtype Input
  var input: Input { get }
public protocol ViewStateDrivable {
  associatedtype ViewStateType: ViewStateProtocol
  var viewState: Driver<ViewStateType> { get }
public protocol ViewModelOutput {
  associatedtype Output: ViewStateDrivable
  var output: Output { get }
Combined Protocol Conformance
public typealias ViewModellable = ViewModelInput & ViewModelOutput
So here this typealias will be nicer way to represent conformance of both Input and Output protocols respectively. This protocol needs to consumed by ViewModel
layer who is trying to follow the two way binding of data processing. Or making a open close
principle of how data gets passed through these interfaces.
We are basically defining a contract between
view controller (publisher) <==> view model (consumer)
view model (publisher) <==> view controller (consumer)
This is how the Data flow should be happening in normal circumstances.