
Key - Value Observing

KVO Observing

What is key-value observing?

Guide to KVO in Swift 5 with code examples

KVO to Combine

Any object which is NSObject and is key value observable could be used with combine's publisher. `NSObject.KeyValueObservingPublisher

Code Snippet from Apple docs

class UserInfo: NSObject {
    @objc dynamic var lastLogin: Date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0)
@objc var userInfo = UserInfo()
// KVO
var observation: NSKeyValueObservation?
// Combine
var cancellable: Cancellable?

override func viewDidLoad() {

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    userInfo.lastLogin = Date()

func observeKVOWay() {
	observation = observe(\.userInfo.lastLogin, options: [.new]) { object, change in
        print ("lastLogin now \(change.newValue!).")

func combineKVOWay() {
	cancellable = userInfo.publisher(for: \.lastLogin)
        .sink() { date in print ("lastLogin now \(date).") }


UI KVO Combine Publisher

NotificationCenter.default.publisher can actually be utilized to make it more easier to listen to change events from UIKit. UI Kit doesn't provide KVO observing, it has the traditional delegate callback pattern, selector pattern or Notification Observer pattern

	.publisher(for: UISearchTextField.textDidChangeNotification,
				object: customSearchBar.searchTextField)
	.map { $0.object as? UISearchTextField)?.text }
	.debounce(for: .seconds(1), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
	.sink { [weak self] keywordStr in 
		print("Keyword: \(keywordStr)")
	.store(in: &cancellable)



NS Notification vs KeyPath KVO Observing

This won't work because AVPlayer KVO property doesn't work with NotificationCenter type since the publisher is an extension on that.

let avPlayer: AVPlayer
.publisher(for: avPlayer.timeControlStatus, 
		   options: [.initial, .new, .prior])

But this one would work. I'm still new to this kind of listeners and why something works and something doesn't. Might need to read up on objective C, KVO and notification center observers. To properly explain why somethings are done this way and other way.

let avPlayer: AVPlayer
.publisher(for: \.timeControlStatus)
.filter({ $0 == .playing })